Women’s Council

Women have played an active and important role in the Liberal Party from its very beginning.

The Liberal Party has a strong record of “firsts” in terms of women in parliament and a proud record of introducing policies that have raised the status of women and provided greater choice and support for women in our community.

“…the true achievers in relation to respecting the equal capacity and the equal commitment of women serving in public life, the true trailblazers, have been the members of the Liberal Party”

Prime Minister John Howard, Address at the Liberal Women in Cabinet Dinner, 2006.

The Liberal Women’s Council (WA) is the peak body for women in the WA Liberal Party. All female members of the WA Liberal Party are automatically members of their Divisional Women’s Committee. Delegates elected by each of the fifteen Divisional Women’s Committees then meet as the Liberal Women’s Council (WA). We provide a strong voice for women within the WA Liberal Party and work to promote and support the participation of Liberal women in politics. All members are encouraged to participate in our monthly meetings, policy debates, social functions and other activities.

The aims of the Liberal Women’s Council (WA) are to:

  • Canvass all topics of interest to Liberals
  • Actively seek to promote the Liberal cause in every possible way
  • Recognise that Women’s Divisions possess a unique opportunity to communicate with every section of the community
  • Seek a higher profile within the community
  • Interact with other women’s organisations to promote a better understanding of the philosophy and policies of the Liberal Party
  • Actively campaign on behalf of both sitting members and candidates on a continuous basis to secure and hold electorates for the Liberal Party
  • Liaise with Federal and State politicians to provide a two-way vehicle for the flow of information and the formation of policy.

Contact Us

If you are a woman who shares our Liberal values and wants to see more women actively engaged in politics, we would love to meet you!

For further information about the Liberal Women’s Council (WA) please contact us.
