Our Beliefs
The Liberal Party of Western Australia believes in:
ln Australia, its people and its future.
ln the innate worth of the individual, in the right to be independent, to own property and to achieve, and in the need to encourage initiative and personal responsibility.
ln the basic freedoms of thought, worship, speech, association and choice.
ln equality of opportunity, with all Australians having the opportunity to reach their full potential in a tolerant national community.
ln a just and humane society, where those who cannot provide for themselves can live in dignity.
In the family as the primary institution for fostering the values on which a cohesive society is built.
ln the creation of wealth and in competitive enterprise, consumer choice and reward for effort as the Proven means of providing prosperity for all Australians.
ln the principle of mutual obligation, whereby those in receipt of government benefits make some form of contribution to the community in return, where this is appropriate.
ln the importance of voluntary effort and voluntary organisations.
ln parliamentary democracy as the best system for the expression and fulfilment of the aspirations of a free people.
ln the separation and distribution of powers as the best protection for the democratic process.
ln a federal system of government and the decentralisation of power, with local decisions being made at the local level.
ln a constitutional head of state as a symbol of unity and continuity.
In Government being sufficiently responsive so that it can meet its proper obligations to its citizens.
ln Government keeping to its core business and not competing with the private sector.
ln the rule of law and justice, giving all citizens equal rights under the law, responsibilities to maintain it, and the freedom to change it.
In Australia playing a constructive role in the pursuit and maintenance of international peace in alliance with other free nations and in assisting Iess advantaged peoples.
ln Liberalism, with its emphasis on the individual and enterprise, as the political philosophy best able to meet the demands and challenges of the 2lst century.