Shadow METRONET Minister, Tjorn Sibma, has demanded the Minister for Transport, Rita Saffioti, disclose by the end of this week, the true nature of the problems plaguing the Forrestfield Airport Link (FAL) and explain how she will fix them.
While the Minister refuses to confirm the nature of the challenges preventing the FAL from opening safely, credible reports suggest that there are serious problems with mobile phone coverage inside the tunnel and the adequacy of the tunnel’s exhaust system.
“Taxpayers are footing a $1.9 billion bill for a project that is already running two and a half years late and the Minister still refuses to confirm the nature of the communications and other safety problems which have been identified” Mr Sibma said.
“I call on the Minister to release the results of the testing and commission phase and explain precisely how these problems will be fixed, who will fix them, and when she expects services on the FAL to begin.”
“This information should be provided no later than the end of this week. No excuses.”
Mr Sibma said that it was clear that the McGowan Government knew that the troubled FAL project was going to run even further behind schedule when they tabled the State Budget in May, for at that point it was obvious that the FAL would not commence operation by 30 June (the third deadline the Minister has missed).
“Western Australians want to see the FAL get back on track and the first step towards rebuilding confidence is in the Minister being honest with the public about the problems and being accountable for their resolution” Mr Sibma said.
“If she cannot do that then I have little hope that services on the FAL will operate safely this side of Christmas. For once, I would like the Minister to prove me wrong.”