Dr David Honey MLA, Leader of the WA Liberal Party and Shadow Minister for State Development has called out the State Government for leaving the construction industry high and dry after pulling out from the Feb 5th border reponing date.

“The last few years have been a struggle for all types of businesses State-wide.

“When the State Labor Government gave vital industries like construction a reopening date, many had begun to make plans.
“But when that date was reneged on only a few weeks prior, it throws out those plans, particularly for small businesses.

“Those in the construction industry, like in many sectors, were looking to fill critical skilled labour shortages.

“The issue isn’t that the McGowan Government pulled out of the Feb 5th date, it’s that they set a reopening date they knew they couldn’t honour.

“As a result, this has left the construction industry with little option. Many businesses had prepared for new labour to come into WA, this is no longer a possibility.

The Shadow Treasurer and Shadow Minister for Small Business, the Hon Dr Steve Thomas, said small construction businesses have had little to no clarity or assurances since the Feb 5th border backflip.

“Many small construction businesses have very limited skilled labour and significant jobs needing to be done under tight timeframes. They are also struggling to manage the impacts that vaccine mandates are having on their workforces and businesses.

Dr Thomas said the State Government should have consulted the construction industry and others as much as he has mining.

“The Premier is happy to provide COVID clarity for the mining sector but has not made the effort for equally important sectors like construction.

“I call on the Premier to provide such clarity and assurances in order to reduce stress on construction businesses.

“The premier cannot leave the rest of the community, especially small businesses, in limbo. We have moved from certainty on an opening date to complete uncertainty. As a priority, the Premier needs to announce his new roadmap for business to manage and survive the transition.
