Country Labor MPs fail to speak on behalf of their constituents

Oct 28, 2021 | State News, Steve Thomas MLC

The Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council Dr Steve Thomas says that nearly all of the Labor Government’s Upper House MPs have failed their constituents by failing to even speak on the Upper House electoral reform Bill.

“By the end of the second reading debate only the Parliamentary Secretary running the Bill and Regional Development Minister Alannah MacTiernan made a contribution” Dr Thomas said.

“That means that of the ten regional Labor Upper House MPs only Alannah MacTiernan deigned to make a comment; the other nine silently toed the Labor line as regional representation was decimated.”

The Constitutional and Electoral Legislation Amendment (Electoral Equality) Bill 2021 passed its second reading by division this afternoon, with only the Mining and Pastoral MP Wilson Tucker and Legalise Cannabis MP Sophia Moermond joining the Opposition to oppose it.

“Labor is one step closer to achieving its admitted 120-year ideological goal of gutting regional representation and boosting their electoral chances by shifting seats into metropolitan Perth” Dr Thomas said.

“It may well be a great day for the Labor Party in Western Australia, but it is a sad day for democracy and a devastating day for regional communities, families and people”.
