Government Needs to Reverse Cruel New Bus Driver Licence Fees

Aug 18, 2020 | State News

The WA Liberals have joined BusWA and thousands of bus drivers across the State in calling for the Labor Government to reverse its decision to implement cruel new fees which will impact the sector. 

WA bus driver licences are now the most expensive in Australia following the Labor Government’s fee increases – the only State Government to implement hikes. 

“There are real concerns that this will lead to thousands of workers leaving this vital industry, adding another blow to the tourism and charter industry,” Shadow Minister for Transport Libby Mettam said. 

“The introduction of an initial $28 application fee, combined with a new annual renewal fee of $88 from July 2020 for all Class F and T driver’s licence holders, could have a significant impact on the bus and charter industry. 

“These new fees could see our bus drivers paying over $300 in a single year because of other expenses they already incur to get a licence. 

“The very nature of the role of a bus driver attracts a more senior demographic. 

“The annual renewal fee combined with the extra rules is serving as a deterrent for bus drivers and tour operators at a time when they can least afford it. 

“It is an unfair financial and administrative burden for a valued sector of our community. They are the backbone of the industry. 

“Our WA truck and bus drivers are keeping our State moving during COVID-19. This is no way to repay them. 

“There are around 66,000 F and T class licence holders and there is a real fear this could see many leaving this sector. 

“The changes are related to the On-demand Transport Reform Legislation and Labor’s Taxi Tax when there are very different circumstances for these two sectors of the transport industry. 

“Labor needs to listen to the bus and charter industry and reverse their unfair annual licence increases.” 
