Statement from Zak Kirkup

Nov 24, 2020 | Ambulance Ramping, State News

COVID-19 has made this the toughest year in many people’s memory.

We know Western Australians have done it tough, you’ve had to make sacrifices and you’ve missed special moments with your families and loved ones.

There’s been a lot of talk this year about whose side our politicians are on.

Today, your team, with a new generation of WA Liberal leadership demonstrated that this election is all about you – we are on your side.

Your Liberal team is working for a safer, smarter today, so Western Australians have a brighter and better tomorrow.

We have been listening and talking with people in suburbs and towns right across our State about what opportunities you need to get ahead.

That is why your Liberal team made it absolutely clear today, that in the fight against COVID-19 there are no political deviations, no Liberal vs Labor, there is only us together versus the virus. We are better together.

It’s the Chief Health Officer who makes the decisions with the best health advice, not politicians. We will continue to follow his advice, but we will make it open and transparent because we think Western Australians are mature enough and deserve to see his advice.

Safety isn’t just about COVID-19, we need to do more to make people feel safer at home, in their communities and in their jobs.

More police, tougher laws and fixing the hospital ambulance ramping crisis are a key part of our plan.

We also need to make sure our seniors feel safer in their retirement, because they have already made such a significant contribution to our society and we respect that.

Cutting taxes and reducing the cost of household bills will help families feel more financially safe and secure, giving them the confidence to invest to get ahead.

Young people should feel empowered by the safety of a hand-up to help them get trained and into their first job, giving them the best possible start to their careers.

Mums and dads who have left the workforce to raise their children and help their families get ahead, should have the financial safety of knowing there are opportunities to re-skill and up-skill to get rewarding jobs.

We are 100% focused on the issues you have been talking to our team about, because that’s what matters.

Libby Mettam, our Deputy Leader, has made it clear that she will be a strong voice for regional Western Australians and mums like herself who feel they have been forgotten.

Libby knows all too well that safety in the regions means more local police, properly resourced hospitals and safer regional roads.

I want to thank Liza Harvey and Bill Marmion for their stewardship during these difficult and uncertain times.

I also want to assure you that we will be working every minute between now and the election, in every suburb and town, to deliver Western Australians a safer and smarter today, so we can all enjoy a brighter and better tomorrow.
