WA Liberal Leader David Honey is in Carnarvon today to announce that Will Baston is the Liberal Party’s candidate for the upcoming North West Central by-election.
Will Baston, 36, is a local from Jimba Jimba station on the Gascoyne River. North West Central and its people are very special to Will as his family have lived and worked in the area for six generations.
Will is a qualified Urban and Regional Planner with 14 years’ service to local communities, and he has worked as a consultant on conservation and economic development outcomes for outback and regional WA.
“I’m passionate about the Outback, and that is why I’ve put my hand up to represent you in the State Parliament as your representative”, Mr Baston said.
“I’m standing for local decisions to be made by local people. And I’m standing to bring a strong regional voice to parliament, which at present is too dominated by Perth-Labor.
“I have seen how Labor has cut regional representation in parliament. Labor has turned its back on North West Central and is leaving our region behind.
“The rising cost of living is hurting locals who must travel over large areas to get access to basic essential services, such as maternity service.
“Local mothers should be able to have their baby in Carnarvon rather than having to go to Geraldton or Perth.
“With your support, I will fight for increased regional health services, more local community engagement to stop youth crime, and to reduce the cost of living and end the housing shortage across the region”, Mr Baston said.
WA Liberal Leader David Honey said the by-election was an opportunity for local residents to send a message to Labor that their underperformance is not good enough.
“Will Baston is an enthusiastic and hardworking local candidate who will speak up and advocate for the people of North West Central”, Dr Honey said.
“The WA Liberals have a long history of contesting elections in North West Central and we want to give our supporters the opportunity to vote for Will Baston at this by-election.
“We have seen regional representation striped away by the Labor Government through electoral changes.
“We are working hard with our Nationals Alliance partners to hold Labor to account for their failure to represent the needs of residents of North West Central”, Dr Honey said.